I'm getting such a kick out of this new (beta) language setting on
Facebook. Has anyone else found this yet? Does anyone know when this was released? Everyone is now a
Capt'n, minutes are measured in
shots o' rum, to "See More" is to "Peer into the depths". Want to leave a comment? "Weigh in" your vote!
It's going viral with my network of
mateys and getting a high level of response. Who knew that Facebook got jokes?!? I love that people are excited about it. It's both entertaining and educational, and a totally clever way to re-engage your audience. This level of discovery is endless and while it was probably painstaking to go through and localize each data point, it was probably fun for the staff to come up with piratey words to replace "Wall" (
Plank) or "Change your Settings" (
Adjust your riggin's).
A disappointing change, however, is that My Profile is now "Me". Come on now, buckaneers. Shouldn't it be something like
Master or
Head Pirate??
I can see how this might get frustrating for those who don't understand the pirate lingo, but what better time than now to learn! Switch on over and impress your friends at how well you can navigate the networking waters.
I'm also interested to see what I've internalized as far as locating what I use frequently without having to actually read the words. This would be entirely impossible and frustrating if I found the Pirate setting at the same time Facebook launched their third large information architecture redesign. I would have walked the plank.
My favorite translation so far:
To "Like" something, a form of giving props or a thumbs up, is now a link called "Arr, this be pleasin' to me eye!"
Instructions on how to change your Facebook to Pirate: Sign in, click the "English (US)" link, find "English (Pirate)" and click it, and behold the glory of the merry language of the sea! Enjoy it while it lasts, because it's a
beta version, meaning it's just being tested and is not a complete nor permanent feature.