As if I need another blog, I've started a new one on relationships.
A little personal, a little found, all centered around the topic of Relationships. The name came to me whilst lying in bed one night, thinking about what to write in Jason's 30th birthday card, and the blog concept followed soon after.
I think I'll find this blog easier to upkeep because relationships are always on my mind. If not about my own, then about others, and if not about others, then about my relationship with myself. I've already queued up over 10 posts before this announcement, so keep checking back. And if it looks completely different from when you last visited, don't be scared. I'm just messing with the design. Although I do like the simplicity of it and Tumblr right now...
Quickly, let jot down an update. I am thinking about getting a puppy and am holding off as long as I physically can. I started a new job soon after returning from Belize -- I can honestly say I love my job. I started working out again. This has been the coldest summer in the Bay Area and I hate it. I want to have another bocce ball party with my friends but I have zero free weekends until October! My childhood friend is getting married and I'm going to be a bridesmaid for the first time. Should be an amazing union.
Hope you all are well!