There's something magical this compact meal of delicious variance that fills me with joy. This feeling of satisfaction is so powerful that I try to replicate it in all aspects of my life.
- I try to create a living space that is visually tasty and hold lots of shapes and sizes surrounding one central piece.
- My friends are interesting to me and complement each other.
- I prefer that my meals have options to choose from, and lean towards dishes with the most variety of ingredients.
- I select my wardrobe to be mix-n-matchable and of no particular style but yummy.
- Sometimes I organize with a level of OCD until things feel right.

I wonder if anyone else feels this strongly about bentoboxes as I do. They are just so cute and clever - I can't help but swoon over it's awesomeness. Is it just a Japanese thing? Is it just me?
Drool over rest of Flickr BentoBox pool here.
How to Make Chicken Lollipops on Just Bento
Totoro....my favorite Ghibli movie.